We Fall. We Learn, We Rise
Aug 27
Written By Charles Grundas
Dear Community,
Life is a series of ups and downs, a swinging between success and failure. We’ve all been there—faced with moments when we’ve stumbled, fallen short, or missed the mark entirely. It’s easy to get caught up in the frustration and disappointment that comes with these moments, but this week, I want us to focus on a powerful truth: We fall, we learn, and we rise.
Think of it as "fall down seven, stand up eight." Life is not about avoiding the falls; it’s about learning to rise each time we do. Every challenge, every failure, every stumble is an opportunity to learn, to grow, and to become stronger. Even this last week, I finally made the big mistake of not making it to class. My body just said no and didn’t allow me to wake up and teach. So, take the mistake, realign and learn, then begin again with better intent.
Here’s why this is so important:
Failure is a Teacher: Each time we fall, we learn something new—about ourselves, about our limits, about the world around us. These lessons are the building blocks of our growth. Without them, we’d never understand our true abilities. The only true failure is to give up completely.
Resilience is Built Through Adversity: It’s easy to stay strong when things are going well and we are motivated, but true resilience is forged in the fires of adversity and discipline. When we rise after a fall, we prove to ourselves that we are capable of overcoming any obstacle.
Improvement Through Experience: We aren’t here to live an easy life. We are here to experience life in all its complexity and to continually improve—not just for ourselves, but for those around us. Our struggles are what shape us into better people, and in turn, allow us to contribute more meaningfully to the lives of others.
Let’s embrace the falls. Let’s see them not as setbacks, but as setups for something greater. When we fall, we learn. When we learn, we rise. And each time we rise, we are stronger, wiser, and more equipped to face whatever comes next.
So, when you face challenges this week, remember: you are not defined by your falls, but by how you rise after them. Keep moving forward, keep learning, and keep rising. You’re not just overcoming obstacles; you’re becoming the best version of yourself, and in doing so, you’re making life better for everyone around you.
Let’s rise together.
Warm regards,