Sometimes Re-Starting Is The Best Thing
Nov 19
Written By Charles Grundas
Dear CollectiveCommunity,
This week, let’s take a second and reflect on an intention that many of us need to hear, especially as the seasons change or when life shifts in unexpected ways: “All we can do is our best, and sometimes the best thing we can do is start over.”
Starting over is not failure—it’s actually growth. It's not about erasing what came before, but about carrying the lessons forward. Sometimes, we hit walls, lose motivation, or find ourselves stuck in a loop. In those moments, the best thing we can do is let go of what isn’t serving us, take a deep breath, and begin again. And here’s the beauty of starting over: every new beginning is built on the foundation of everything we’ve already learned.
Think about the times in your life when you’ve had to restart. Maybe it was with your fitness journey, your career, or even a relationship. At first, it might have felt like you were back at square one, but if you really think about it, you weren’t starting from nothing. You were starting from experience. Every stumble, every attempt, every bit of effort you’ve already put in still counts. It makes you stronger, wiser, and better equipped for the next chapter.
Starting over isn’t always easy. It takes courage to admit when something isn’t working and even more courage to try again. But remember: starting over doesn’t mean you’re weak—it means you’re more determined and more disciplined then expected. It’s a testament to your resilience, your ability to adapt, and your refusal to give up on yourself.
Each time we start fresh, we have an opportunity to do things differently. Maybe this time, we’re more patient with ourselves. Maybe this time, we’ve learned what habits work for us and which ones don’t. Maybe this time, we focus on consistency over perfection. Whatever the lesson is, it becomes what drives us forward.
When we start over, we bring the lessons of everything that came before. You may have tried something in the past that didn’t go the way you hoped, but that doesn’t mean it was wasted. Each effort, no matter the outcome, teaches us something valuable.
Did you stop showing up to class for a while? That’s okay. The important thing is that you’re here now, ready to take the next step. Did a fitness goal feel out of reach? Use what you’ve learned to set a new, more achievable goal. It’s all part of the process. Growth doesn’t happen in a straight line—it’s a series of stops, starts, and redirections. Failing a rep is not the end of the world, completing giving up is.
So even in those moments when you feel like you’ve “failed,” remind yourself: failure isn’t the opposite of progress. It’s part of progress. It’s how we learn. It’s how we get better. The only real failure is giving up entirely—and the fact that you’re here, reading this letter, shows that you haven’t done that. Take one small step at a time.
Starting Over with Intention
If you’re thinking about starting fresh in any part of your life—whether it’s your fitness, your mindset, or a personal goal—here are a few ways to approach it with intention:
Let Go of the Past: Acknowledge what didn’t work, but don’t dwell on it. Starting over is a chance to move forward, not to punish yourself for what you didn’t do.
Focus on Small Steps: You don’t have to have it all figured out. Just take one step forward. Whether it’s showing up to class, drinking more water, swapping out certain foods, or setting a bedtime, small actions add up.
Remember Your Why: Why did you start this journey in the first place? Reconnect with that purpose. Whether it’s to feel stronger, improve your health, or set an example for your loved ones, let that “why” guide you.
Lean on Your Community: You’re not alone. Everyone here at the WTCF Studio, has faced their own restarts and fresh starts. Share your goals, your struggles, and your wins with others. We’re here to support you.
A Fresh Start, Every Day
The beautiful thing about life is that every single day is a chance to begin again. You don’t have to wait for Monday, the first of the month, or a new year. You can start fresh right now.
Today, take a moment to think about where you want to go. What’s one small step you can take toward becoming the person you want to be? Remember: you’re not starting from scratch. You’re starting from experience. And with everything you’ve already learned, there’s no limit to what you can achieve.
Here’s to fresh starts, resilience, and the courage to keep moving forward.
With gratitude and renewed energy,
We, The Collective Fitness