
Shazam, originally known as Captain Marvel, is a DC Comics superhero imbued with the powers of six mythological figures: Solomon, Hercules, Atlas, Zeus, Achilles, and Mercury. By uttering the magic word "Shazam," young Billy Batson transforms into the mighty superhero with superhuman strength, speed, flight, and other abilities. Unlike other heroes, Shazam's alter ego is a child, adding a unique dynamic to his character as he navigates both the responsibilities of heroism and the challenges of adolescence. With his lighthearted and heroic demeanor, Shazam brings a sense of wonder and optimism to the DC Universe, embodying the ideals of heroism and righteousness.

1). Chin-up/TRX Chin-up - 2 sets to failure. 2 isolated holds to failure

2) Banded Lat Pulldowns 3 sets of 10-15 reps (easy yet slow, focus on the squeeze.)

3) Supinated Curls 4 sets of 12 reps

4) Lunges (walking) 2 sets of 15-20 rep/side

5) Sumo Squat 2 sets 15-20 (plus pulse to failure on last set)

6) Helms Row 3 sets of 10 (with a top end pulse)


Harley Quinn

